University College Dublin

KI provides classroom furniture for Chelsea Academy
KI have provided classroom furniture for the new Chelsea Academy in Lots
Road, London, working with FF&E Consultants Alligan and furniture suppliers
Portsdown Education. This new Academy is sponsored by the London Diocesan
Board for Schools (LDBS) in association with The Royal Borough of Kensington
and Chelsea. It will provide world-class education for approximately 800
pupils in years 7 to 11 and 250 students in the sixth form.
The Academy building, designed by architectural practice Fielden Clegg
Bradley Studios, ranges between two and four floors built in linking blocks
with atrium and open spaces providing good circulation space and internal
light, which are key on this tight site. The furniture for the new building
similarly needed to be appropriate for the aspirational setting but robust
and fit for purpose and the Academy employed both the help of the students
and teachers in the selection of the classroom furniture. Read more>>>
View all the Chelsea Academy photos on Facebook
The new Intellect Wave brochure can be downloaded from the website.